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  • Writer's pictureCHIRAG CHAUHAN

Z-Tox Reviews – Real Fat Burner Supplement for a Flat Belly?

Flat Belly Burn is a diet pill marketed as the “holy grail” of weight loss.

The supplement claims to work differently than other diet pills, specifically targeting belly fat to help you lose a significant amount of weight in a short period of time – with limited diet or exercise required.

Does Flat Belly Burn really work? Can a diet pill help you trim belly fat? Find out everything you need to know about Flat Belly Burn today in our review.

What is Flat Belly Burn?

Flat Belly Burn is a nutritional supplement sold exclusively online through, where it’s priced at around $60 per bottle.

The diet pill claims to target belly fat, helping anyone lose a significant amount of weight.

The Flat Belly Burn sales page is filled with testimonials from customers who have lost a significant amount of weight after taking the formula. One man claims he consistently weighs 175 pounds after taking the formula. Another man claims he tried everything to lose weight – only to find success with Flat Belly Burn.

Flat Belly Burn also claims to be recommended by a medical doctor for healthy, long-term weight loss. The sales page features a recommendation from Dr. Brian Wells, MD, wo describes Flat Belly Burn as “the best way to maintain a healthy weight for the long term.”

Does Flat Belly Burn really work? How does this diet pill work? Let’s take a closer look at how Flat Belly Burn specifically targets belly fat.

How Does Flat Belly Burn Work?

All diet pills claim to offer comfortable and effective weight loss. All diet pills claim to help you quickly lose weight.

What makes Flat Belly Burn unique? How is Flat Belly Burn different from other diet pills sold online today?

Other diet pills contain stimulants that boost metabolism and calorie burning, making it easier to maintain a caloric deficit. These diet pills complement a diet and exercise routine, helping you lose weight.

However, flat Belly Burn claims to help you lose weight in another way: by helping you poop more easily.

Flat Belly Burn claims to support your body’s natural digestive processes. It contains ingredients that force waste out of your body, helping you physically lose more weight – similar to a fiber supplement.

The diet pill’s science is based on an “Ancient Mayan 7-second morning trick.” According to the makers of Flat Belly Burn, the Mayans dealt with severe constipation. To solve their constipation, Mayans took a specific herbal extract to encourage your body’s natural digestion.

The makers of Flat Belly Burn packaged that herbal extract and other ingredients into a capsule, and now they sell it online as a diet pill.

Flat Belly Burn and Sticky Foods

The formula specifically claims to target “sticky foods.” Your body struggles to pass sticky foods out of your body.

You might think you have regular digestion. However, sticky foods are preventing your body from digesting foods normally. Sticky foods stick to your gut, lining your digestive tract and increasing the appearance of belly fat.

Your body may be storing these sticky foods right now. These sticky foods could increase the appearance of your belly fat – or make you physically weigh more.

The Flat Belly Burn formula claims to specifically target sticky foods, helping to quickly and easily flush toxins out of your body using natural ingredients.

Instead of letting your body store all that food as fat, you can lose a significant amount of weight.

What’s in the Flat Belly Burn Formula?

You know the basics of how Flat Belly Burn works. You know it encourages digestion, helping you poop more easily to cleanse waste from your body physically.

Flat Belly Burn uses three types of ingredients to support digestion, including fiber sources, natural laxatives, and a probiotic. We’ll break down each ingredient and how it works below:

Fiber: Flat Belly Burn contains multiple natural sources of fiber, including psyllium husk, black walnut hull, oat bran, apple pectin, and glucomannan. These are some of the most popular and common sources of fiber available today, and they’re similar to the fiber you can get in any fiber supplement (like Metamucil).

Natural Laxatives: To encourage your body’s natural digestion, Flat Belly Burn also contains natural laxatives like prune fruit extract and aloe vera leaf extract. These compounds could help you poop more easily, which is why they’ve been traditionally used as natural laxatives for centuries.

Probiotic: Flat Belly Burn contains a single probiotic called Lactobacillus acidophilus. It’s one of the more popular probiotics available today. Studies show probiotics can support digestion by promoting gut health. Probiotics are more popular today than ever, and many people take probiotics daily for overall digestion.

Using these three types of ingredients, Flat Belly Burn claims to lead to significant fat burning results.

A Medical Doctor recommends flat Belly Burn for Weight Loss

Flat Belly Burn makes a claim that few other diet pills can make: the supplement claims to be recommended by a real medical doctor.

According to the official website, Dr. Brian Wells, MD, has analyzed Flat Belly Burn and determined it’s the best and healthiest way to lose weight:

“This is truly the best way to maintain a healthy weight for the long term.”

As far as we can tell, Dr. Wells is the only medical doctor that recommends taking Flat Belly Burn for weight loss. However, that’s one more medical doctor than other diet pills have.

The Story Behind Flat Belly Burn

The Flat Belly Burn sales page features Barry Jones’s story, a 56-year old father who struggled with his weight over the years.

Barry claims he tried countless diets and exercise routines – only to achieve no significant weight loss results.

Barry was motivated to lose weight after nearly watching his son die in front of his eyes. Barry and his son were playing at the park. Barry sat down to take a break, and his son disappeared. His son found a nearby cliff and slipped through a tiny hole in that cliff.

Barry’s son was stuck in the small hole, and he couldn’t escape. He screamed for his dad. He was dangling above the precipice, and he risked falling to his death.

Barry ran over to help his son. Unfortunately, Barry was too fat to fit into the hole. From a few feet away, Barry watched his son die.

Barry’s son fell through that hole and into the water below, dying upon impact. After his son’s tragic death, Barry vowed to lose weight to prevent the unfortunate accident from ever happening again.

To make a long story short, Barry researched natural cures for weight loss. He stumbled upon the Mayan herbal extract for constipation. He packaged that herbal extract and other compounds into a weight loss formula, and he now sells that formula online as Flat Belly Burn, using his son’s tragic death to market the formula to people who want to lose weight.

Flat Belly Burn Ingredients

Flat Belly Burn consists of a mix of natural laxatives and sources of fiber. The natural laxatives should help your body push waste out, while the fiber should help physically remove waste from your body.

Overall, the ingredients look similar to any laxative or fiber supplement sold online or in stores. You get common fiber sources like psyllium husk and glucomannan root mixed with well-known laxatives like a prune and aloe vera. By taking the ingredients daily, you can encourage your body’s natural digestive processes.

All ingredients are packaged into a 1.5g proprietary formula. The Mayo Clinic recommends getting 21 to 38 grams of fiber per day, which can include dietary sources of fiber and fiber supplements.

The full list of ingredients and dosages in each two capsule serving includes:

1.5g of a proprietary blend containing psyllium husk, bentonite clay, black walnut hull, oat bran, flaxseed, prune, aloe vera leaf, Lactobacillus acidophilus, apple pectin, and glucomannan

Flat Belly Burn packages these ingredients into a capsule, although the company does not disclose which type of capsule they use (like a gelatin or plant-based capsule), nor do they disclose any additives, fillers, preservatives, binders, or other ingredients used to keep Flat Belly Burn together.

Scientific Evidence for Flat Belly Burn

Flat Belly Burn has not completed any clinical trials, nor has the company published its research in a peer-reviewed journal. However, the company claims a medical doctor recommends its formula for weight loss and that thousands of people have used it to specifically target belly fat.

First, it’s no secret that aloe vera is a natural laxative. Aloe vera has a long history of use in traditional medicine. Mexican Americans used it for type 2 diabetes. It’s possible the Mayans used aloe vera for overall health and wellness. In this study, researchers reviewed the evidence for aloe vera as a laxative, finding that aloe vera’s laxative effects were stronger than a placebo in one study and that aloe vera is “well established” for its laxative effects. Researchers believe aloe vera’s laxative effects are linked to the anthraquinone glycosides in aloe vera latex. Typically, researchers use a higher dose of aloe vera than what we see in Flat Belly Burn, but it’s possible the aloe vera has mild laxative effects.

Flat Belly Burn contains a probiotic called Lactobacillus acidophilus. That probiotic is found naturally in your mouth and intestines. Some people take probiotic supplements that contain L. acidophilus. Others get it through fermented foods like kefir. Studies suggest L. acidophilus is safe to use and could help support digestion. There’s specific evidence showing L. acidophilus helps with diarrhea.

Most of Flat Belly Burn’s formula, however, consists of straightforward sources of fiber. The supplement contains glucomannan and psyllium husk, for example, two of the most popular and common sources of fiber used in fiber supplements.

As this 2017 study explained, only 5% of adults consume dietary fiber’s recommended level per day. Fiber supplements can be a convenient and concentrated source of dietary fiber. However, researchers cautioned that “most do not provide the health benefits associated with dietary fiber” because of the different way your body processes fiber supplements compared to natural food-based fiber.

Other studies have linked psyllium husk to better intestinal microbiota. This 2019 study showed that psyllium husk could help constipated patients restore healthy gut microbiota, for example, which could provide benefits throughout the body.

Overall, psyllium and glucomannan are two widely used treatments for constipation. Both of these fiber sources trap water in the intestine, increasing stool water, making it easier to poop while altering the colonic environment.

Ultimately, Flat Belly Burn contains natural laxatives and fiber sources that could support digestion in various ways, helping you physically lose weight through pooping – similar to any fiber supplement.

Flat Belly Burn Pricing

Flat Belly Burn is priced at $44 to $59 per bottle, depending on how many bottles you order.

You can exclusively order Flat Belly Burn through the official website, where it’s priced at:

1 Bottle: $59

3 Bottles: $147

6 Bottles: $264

Each bottle contains 60 capsules (30 servings). You take two capsules per day to lose weight.

Flat Belly Burn Refund Policy

A 60-day money-back guarantee backs flat Belly Burn. You can request a complete refund within 60 days with no questions asked.

Just contact the company, tell them you want a refund, and ship the bottle (even if it’s empty) back to the company to complete the refund process.

Who Created Flat Belly Burn?

Flat Belly Burn was created by a man named Barry Jones. Barry does not claim to be a medical doctor or supplement specialist. He’s just a guy who lost a lot of weight after losing his son – and now he wants to help others lose weight too.

Barry asked his cousin, John, for weight loss tips. John told him about a weight loss trick he had discovered on a remote island trip in South America.

John claims he discovered a natural weight loss secret on that island that the Mayans had used for weight loss. John told Barry about that secret, and Barry used that secret to lose a significant amount of weight.

Of course, the Mayans never settled anywhere close to South America – so it’s unclear which island John was on when he discovered Flat Belly Burn’s formula.

In any case, Barry teamed up with Clickbank to sell his formula online. Clickbank is a major ecommerce platform best-known for supplements and eBooks.

You can contact the Clickbank and Flat Belly Burn customer service team via the following:


Phone: 800-390-6035

Email Form & Online Support:

Final Word

Flat Belly Burn is a diet pill that uses fiber, natural laxatives, and a probiotic to support digestion.

By supporting digestion, Flat Belly Burn can help physically remove waste from your body, making it easier to lose weight.

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