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  • Writer's pictureCHIRAG CHAUHAN

Cinderella Solution Reviews – Is It Worth the Money to Buy or Not

The Cinderella Solution is a complete weight loss system designed by Carly Donovan. The program is based on Japanese Shoku-Iku nutrition and is a digital weight loss program that uses a flavor-pairings strategy. The Cinderella Solution is geared towards helping women rapidly achieve their weight loss goals.

Who Is Carly Donovan?

Carly Donovan is a nutrition specialist who was once overweight and in danger of developing hypertension, diabetes, and depression. Convinced she would need to spend her money on liposuction, she stumbled upon an article stating women in Japan lived longer and were healthier than those from the US due to something called flavor-pairing. Intrigued by this term, Carly looked more into the term and funded a group of bio-nutrition scientists to help her crack the code of how Japanese women achieved and maintain their slim figures. Using a strategy of flavor-pairing, she began studying nutrition and weight loss. She discovered a secret that controls the female metabolism, and her findings on flavor-pairing reversed her weight problems. For more than ten years, she has helped many women worldwide achieve the body of their dreams using the Cinderella Solution.

The Science Behind the Cinderella Solution

The Cinderella Solution program is built around the premise that women’s weight gain happens when they experience hormonal changes. These changes slow down metabolism and cause extra pounds to add up. When a poor diet and an unhealthy lifestyle, genetic factors, the risk of becoming overweight or obese can be inevitable. But the Cinderella Solution claims to work in synchronization with a woman’s body to assist with hormonal changes in a natural manner so that weight loss can occur without following trendy diets or exercise until becoming exhausted. On the contrary, Carly and nutritionists say that extreme dieting leads to slow metabolism and causes a weakened immune system. Luckily, science has identified the 3 female hormones that indirectly influence metabolism and indirectly make weight gain or weight loss occur. These hormones are insulin, estrogen, and cortisol. And the Cinderella Solution is said to work on regulating these three hormones, which function as it follows in the female body:

  • Insulin is called the “skinny hormone,” which makes it hard for women to lose weight and keep it down, but only if not managed properly.

  • Estrogen – this one should be considered the “pretty hormone” because it keeps the skin toned and prevents wrinkles from developing.

  • Cortisol – is the “happy hormone” that, when imbalanced, causes depression, stress, and anxiety to take over.

The Cinderella Solution works to regulate these three hormones and revive the metabolism to work harder.

How Does Cinderella Solution Work?

This flavor-pairing system that Carly Donovan developed is based on the Japanese Shoku-Iku nutrition program. Shoku-Iku helps reset a sluggish metabolism by keeping the 3 essential fat-burning hormones synced and balanced. During this process, the body begins to heal from the inside out, and overeating becomes a thing of the past. Cinderella Solution is available in digital format, as it includes video tutorials, PDFs, and eBooks. It should be followed for 28 days, as it includes 14-day phases:

The Ignite Phase

As said, the phases of Cinderella Solution last 14 days each. In the Ignite Phase, women who follow the program learn about the nutritional meals they need to consume to lose weight. They are given meal options that will trigger the 3 essential hormones in their body to become balanced and their metabolism to speed up. In the Ignite Phase, eating 3 times a day is a must.

The Launch Phase

This Phase brings new foods into the daily meal plans. What’s also great about it is that it involves eating 4 meals a day instead of 3. All the meal options are known to cause fat burning and strengthen the immune system. In terms of weight loss, these meal plans are known to accelerate the metabolism so that the body burns all the fat it stores more rapidly.

What Foods Does Cinderella Solution Recommend?

According to Carly, the secret to rapid weight loss is combining foods and flavors the right way. Here are some of the food combinations that Cinderella Solution recommends:

  • Green tea with mint

  • Fish in combination with fresh garlic

  • Apples with chocolate

  • Sweet potatoes with Greek yogurt

  • Ricotta with banana

What’s Included in the Cinderella Solution Purchase?

Below is the list of what women receive when purchasing the Cinderella Solution program:

Main Manual

A 93-page eBook that’s available in PDF format, this manual contains plenty of information on the female metabolism and the hormones that help with weight loss. It also includes a section with a food plan in which food combinations are detailed.

Quick Start Guide

Those who don’t want to read the Main Manual or don’t have enough time to do so can greatly benefit from this Quick Start Guide to losing weight immediately. However, they will have to turn to the Manual when needing more in-depth information.

Food Lover’s Recipe Playbook

In this book, Carly presents all the foods and meal plans that helped her lose a total of 84 pounds. She reveals many recipes for all the meals for the day, including desserts, in 22 pages.

The FREE Bonus! Cinderella Solution Accelerator

This free bonus package combines success stories of women who have used the Cinderella Solution program and secrets that help speed up the weight loss process during the first 3 weeks following Carly’s system. Here’s what’s included:

  • 21-day Kick-Start Nutrition Guide

  • The Accelerator Movement Sequencing Book

  • The Accelerator Main Manual

The Accelerator Movement Sequencing Book exercise is optional with this entire program. However, this book’s workout training sessions last 8-20 minutes and are very gentle for the body. They contain 6-10 exercises with 15 in total. The video tutorials are on how to perform them can be accessed through the Workout Video Library to which the Cinderella Solution followers have online access.

Main Manual Content Details

The Cinderella Solution Main Manual is quite complex, seeing it discusses the science of weight loss and explains how the 3 essential female hormones work to accelerate metabolism. But here are its parts, chapters, and sections:

Part 1: The Cinderella Solution Program Explained

Chapter 1: Explaining Weight Loss

  • Weight loss is explained from the inside out, as well as how it begins.

Chapter 2: The Cinderella Solution Rituals for Weight Loss

The sections of this chapter are:

  • Coupling of food pairing

  • A detailed look at flavor pairing

  • Nutrition timing

  • A series of slim-sequencing exercises

Chapter 3: Ignite and Launch Approach

The sections in chapter 3:

  • The Ignite Phase

  • The Launch Phase

  • Cycling Launch and Ignite Phases

Part 2: How to Use the Daily Nutrition Blueprint Book

Chapter 4: 14-day Calendars

With the following sections:

  • A set of daily meal plans

  • Bonus recipes that offer alternatives to daily meal plans

Chapter 5: Food Pairing Ritual Guide and Macros

This chapter discusses the different types of foods and how they can help with weight loss. These foods are:

  • Prime proteins

  • Royal fats

  • Angel carbs

  • Power carbs

Chapter 6: How to Time the Meals and the Frequency

This chapter presents how weight loss meals should be timed and the frequency at which they should be consumed.

Part 3: DIY Meal Creator

This Part is made of 4 chapters as it follows:

  • A 3-step instruction guide to meal preparation

  • Meal pairing legends for Ignite and Launch stages

  • Understanding food portion options

  • Food and portion blocks

Who Can Benefit from the Cinderella Solution Program?

The Cinderella Solution is a program for women who are in their 20s or 70s. In other words, it works for those who have experienced yo-yo dieting and exercised until they were exhausted with no significant weight loss results. Thankfully for them, the Cinderella Solution says goodbye to calorie counting, not to mention it claims to help users lose more weight than when on a diet or exercising.

What Makes the Cinderella Solution Special?

When Carly realized that restrictive diets and grueling exercising sessions didn’t work for her or anyone else in weight loss, she decided to address what was happening inside her body and make some changes at that level. And as soon as she came up with her own weight loss program, namely the Cinderella Solution, she started losing weight so rapidly that she was pleased with what she saw in the mirror in one month. Unlike any diet out there, this system involves making changes in how the foods are combined or the need for exercise. By activating the metabolism to enter fat-burning mode from inside out and combining foods the way Carly suggests, such as women from Japan and France, the Cinderella Solution is a very technical weight loss solution that’s not based on any extreme method. The program comes with a money-back guarantee, and buying it is a completely risk-free investment.

Purchase the Cinderella Solution

Cinderella Solution can be purchased from the program’s official website, where it comes at an amazing, discounted price, as well as with the free Cinderella Accelerator System bonuses. The cost is $37 but valued at more than $300. There’s also an optional fee that can be paid to gain access to Carly’s 24h support team. Since everything is digital, there’s no need to wait for delivery in the mail; as soon as payment is made, users will have immediate access. Users can access the Cinderella Solution materials from a computer, tablet, or smartphone. Furthermore, the program is covered by a 60-day money-back guarantee, so women who decide it’s not for them can ask for their money back by contacting the Cinderella Solution customer service via the following email address:

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