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  • Writer's pictureCHIRAG CHAUHAN

Chris Wilson Neuro-Balance Therapy Reviews – Should You Buy?

Falling or losing your balance at an elderly age could be very dangerous for health and hinder movement, yet it is common among people irrespective of age. Research centers like Harvard and Cambridge found that injuries related to a fall are responsible for the death of about 28,000 older adults each year. Contrary to what you may believe, other factors are more accountable for becoming unbalanced and even falling than age. The numbness of a nerve in the foot is the major cause of tripping or falls, and irrespective of your age, it can be healed to regain its natural working state. A natural and efficient way of solving the problem of these dead nerves is Neuro-balance Therapy. In general, numbness, tingling, and other paresthesia symptoms are commonly due to abnormal nerve function. This problem is also regarded as peripheral neuropathy, where nerves outside the brain and spinal cord can malfunction. For the case of the foot, this will cause a lack of communication between the foot nerves and the brain. A natural and effective way of reviving dead foot nerves can be achieved through a life-saving 10-second ritual as contained in the Neuro-Balance Therapy formulated by Chris Wilson, an American sport and fitness association-certified balance and fitness instructor. Please do not feel that the nerves cannot be fixed; your concerns may be taken care of by using the Neuro-balance therapy techniques formulated by Wilson. People who have used this therapy are living testimony that it works perfectly.

What is Neuro-balance therapy?

If it were actually true that old age is the major cause of trips and falls, more people across the world would be dying from injuries caused by falling. Now that we have identified the actual cause, the target is to proffer a solution to the dead or sleeping nerves in the foot. Neuro-balance therapy is a video guide and coaching video series that is regarded as a 10-second ritual to awaken the dead nerves in your foot. It is a therapeutic approach that helps revitalize the nerves in your feet that are not communicating with the brain. Neuro-Balance Therapy is a therapeutic approach that helps you revive sleeping nerves in your foot quickly. The therapeutic approach lasts for at least 10 seconds, and it is straightforward to do. It can be done at any time, and it does not require any special equipment. It necessitates just a special little rubber ball designed with hardened particles to help shock and revive nerves in the foot back to life. The inner foot nerve called Deep Peroneal Nerve helps fire tiny muscles to the foot, lower leg, and ankle, aiding stability and prevents you from falling. Chris Wilson, the propounder and creator of Neuro-Balance Therapy, developed the idea after attending a balance conference in Switzerland. An evolutionary Harvard University Biologist, the conference presenter, showcased his findings on older men and women from a particular tribe in Kenya who walked barefooted all their lives. Contrary to what was expected, their feet had three times more vital perception with the ground, and they had almost no cases of trips and falls in old age, even though their feet are 50% more callused. The older men of this tribe (even up to their 80’s) still go around hunting with young ones, while the older women also walk through rocky terrain for their daily activities without falling. This crept into Chris’ mind, understanding that their feet maintain a strong connection with the floor because they don’t wear shoes. Walking barefooted after years of being accustomed to using the shoes creates a weird situation for your feet. This nerve is turned on simultaneously for the Kenyans, while the nerve begins to fail from age 60 upwards among Americans. With the Neuro-balance therapy solution in mind, Chris quickly thought of how many lives around the world would be saved, and they would not need to save money for surgery or physical therapy again. Chris has recommended this therapy to his clients, and it has worked for them in maintaining balance in their old age.

How Neuro-balance therapy works.

Neuro-balance therapy is a 10-second daily routine activity that helps revive the nerve in your foot. It helps keep the nerve active 24/7 and prevents you from falling. Neuro-balance therapy does not require seeing a doctor, visiting the gym, purchasing a special cane, using special orthotics, going to a chiropractor, or requesting a physical therapy service. It is a sweat-free activity that can be done in your comfort zone with simple one-time instructions that you can redo every time. In Neuro-Balance Therapy, all you need to do is roll your feet on the rubber for not less than 10 seconds while sitting in a comfy chair. This helps stimulate and trigger the dead nerve. The therapy is 100% safe and a natural way of preventing falls. Neuro-Balance Therapy also sets you free from the fear of falling, and the creator said that even if your fear of falling is up to 100 decibels, this therapy will work for you quickly and put you back on your feet without any fear.

The Biggest Myth that Rather Increases Your Chance of Falling

Overdoing and overutilization of balance exercise, Bosu balls, and stability balls: these are good for people who are in good shape but increase your chances of falling when you have lost your stability and are unbalanced. Overuse of shoes: the thousands of nerves in your foot will not have a good connection with the floor when you constantly wear shoes, making them dull and unable to help you achieve balance. Old age is the major cause of unbalance: growing old does not guarantee your chances of being susceptible to falls.

How to Get Started with the Neuro-balance Therapy

You can purchase the Neuro-balance Therapy guide package on the official website. This guide is compiled in a DVD where you will get all the instructions needed to make the best use of the Neuro-balance therapy to keep you back on your feet and enjoy more balance. Put the DVD on your DVD player or computer; watch and follow the sequence of movements as seen in the video to revive and stimulate the deep peroneal nerve in your foot. This prevents you from falling and increases your confidence. The DVD package comes with the spike ball that you will use for the therapy. The ball is made with a nerve-wake-up technology that stimulates the nerve in your foot. Advantages of Neuro-balance therapy

  • Inexpensive

  • No need for surgery or a therapist

  • Save more money

  • Easy routine activity

  • It can be done anywhere

Disadvantages of Neuro-balance therapy

  1. Available only online

Chris Wilson Neuro-Balance Therapy Pricing and Money Back Policy Initially, the Neuro-balance therapy costs $97. However, the producer is letting you enjoy a 50% discount.

  • 1 x Neuro-balance therapy containing 1 DVD and one spike ball + free bonuses – $47

  • 2 x Neuro-balance therapy containing 2 DVDs and two spike balls + free bonuses – $77

Each package includes shipping and handling cost and free bonuses. The free bonuses contain a book on top 20 tips to fall-proof at home and a downloadable version of the therapy program. This program involves just one-time payment, and it includes no hidden charges. After purchasing it online, you should expect the program and the additional attachments within 3-10 business days. The packages also come with a 60-day money-back guarantee. This lets you request a reimbursement if you are not pleased with the result of the program. You can get your money back by returning the Neuro-balance therapy and requesting a refund, all within the first 60 days you purchased the program.

Final word

Neuro-balance therapy is the way! This program has cleared many myths about falling and tripping in your old age. You can now quickly revive this condition and regain balance like the young person you were back in the day! Affiliate Disclosure: The links contained in this product review may result in a small commission if you opt to purchase the product recommended at no additional cost to you. This goes towards supporting our research and editorial team and please know we only recommend high quality products. Disclaimer: Please understand that any advice or guidelines revealed here are not even remotely a substitute for sound medical advice from a licensed healthcare provider. Make sure to consult with a professional physician before making any purchasing decision if you use medications or have concerns following the review details shared above. Individual results may vary as the statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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