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  • Writer's pictureCHIRAG CHAUHAN

Breast Actives Review: Do The Pills & Cream Work?

Breast Actives is one of the most recognized natural breast enhancement product brands – ever. And for good reason: They are known to get people fuller and larger breasts!

Which is partially why I wrote this Breast Actives review. I want to share my first hand experience of using their popular products. More than that though, I’m going to break down how breast enhancement through natural ingredients works, as well as why I decided on using Breast Actives.

I am going to break down what Breast Actives did for me, what their products can do for you, how soon you can expect to see results, and – most important – whether or not their use comes with negative side effect.

Before I dive into the details though, let me say this: I applaud you for researching natural breast augmentation alternatives. Too many women never do this and opt for dangerous breast implants without ever giving natural and perfectly safe products (like Breast Actives) a fair shot. If only they realized how half (if not all) of their breast problems could easily be eliminated through the use of natural enhancement products.

The good news is: You are doing your research. And I genuinely hope I can help you decide on whether or not Breast Actives is right for you.

Before we get started though – and to make sure we’re talking about the same product – let’s look at the Breast Actives official website:

What Is The All-Natural Breast Actives Enhancement System?

Breast Actives is a three step system: the daily supplements, the cream, and the exercise booklet.

The first two products have been specifically formulated for bust size and shape enhancement. Both are made of safe, all-natural ingredients that have been balanced to deliver the best results.

Lastly, the unadvertised exercise booklet that comes with the cream and capsule combo shows simple exercises designed to enhance the results delivered by the pill and cream ingredients. This makes Breast Actives one of the most complete natural breast enhancement systems out there.

How Do The Breast Actives Products Work?

I’d like to start this part off with a bit of an anatomy lesson:

  • A woman’s breasts will develop throughout her life. From birth to menopause, there are various phases that breasts go through. You can’t really pinpoint when each phase will begin because the timing varies for each woman, depending on her personal physical development.

  • During the birth phase, a female fetus will start developing nipples and milk ducts. It is during the puberty phase that the breast tissues begin to gain fat, triggered by the production of estrogen. During menopause (a phase that many of us do not look forward to), our body can’t produce as much estrogen as before, resulting in a decrease of breast tissue volume, ultimately leading to sagging breasts.

The Breast Actives capsules and cream contain natural active ingredients that contain phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens are substances found in plants and plant-based foods. Their chemical structure is very similar to that of estrogen made in the body, so when you take phytoestrogens supplements it will have the same effect.

We might already be getting phytoestrogens in our diet since they are found in common vegetables and fruits like apples and carrots. But, the amounts that we get are not balanced – due to our different diets – or sufficient enough to improve the appearance of our breasts.

Because phytoestrogens mimic estrogens (have the same effect as estrogen), they can trigger breast growth just like when a young woman enters the puberty phase of her life.

Who Is The Breast Actives Breast Enlargement System For?

To put it shortly, these breast enhancement pills and creams are for me, you, and anyone who wants to firm up sagging breasts or increase their bra cup size. They can help with so much more too though!

Aside from increasing the size and shape of breasts, Breast Actives can also be helpful in relieving symptoms of PMS and menopause.

In fact, natural remedies that are rich in phytoestrogens have for centuries been used in Asia and other parts of the world to relieve female hormonal symptoms.

What Ingredients Are In Breast Actives?

I’ll break the ingredients down one by one so you know exactly what makes up the Breast Actives cream and pills, and what effects each ingredient has.

Breast Actives Pill Ingredients

A common theme that I have found in the ingredients list of the cream and pills is that they’re all loaded with natural extracts that can deliver a good amount of phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens – as stated earlier – are an essential ingredient that make Breast Actives work.

In the case of Breast Actives for example, the daily supplements and the cream both contain fenugreek and fennel. But, there are other ingredients in the daily supplement as well that can help improve breast size from within and even help the body improve its other functions.

The following are the active ingredients in the pills:

Fenugreek (Seed) Fenugreek is a herb that grows in Western Asia and some parts of the Mediterranean. It has been popularly used in alternative medicine to treat different skin problems and other health conditions. There are plenty of nursing mothers who take fenugreek supplements to help with breast milk production. As an ingredient for natural breast enhancement, it stimulates breast-enlarging hormones like estrogen and progesterone. Both of which are ultimately needed to naturally get bigger breasts.

Fennel (Seed) Fennel is part of the carrot family and can also deliver the same benefits as Fenugreek. It too is popularly used by nursing mothers to help with breast milk production. Because of the number of phytoestrogens in this plant, it too can stimulate the growth of breast tissue. More than just that though, it is known to do wonders for a woman’s overall breast health.

Dong Quai (Root) The Dong Quai plant grows in China and is known as “Female Ginseng” because of its numerous benefits to the female body. It has been used in Chinese medicine as a treatment for hypertension, infertility, ulcers, and even anemia. Furthermore, it has also been used to ease PMS and menopause symptoms like hot flashes and menstrual cramps.

Blessed Thistle (Root) This is another popular ingredient used in natural breast enhancement supplement formulations. During the Middle Ages, this plant was even used to treat the bubonic plague. Some monks have used it as a tonic to improve their digestive health. Just like all the other ingredients in the Breast Actives supplements, Blessed Thistle contains lots of phytoestrogens that can help stimulate breast tissue growth. It doesn’t just help improve breast size but it can also help firm up the breasts.

Dandelion (Root) Another popular natural remedy that can help improve your bra size is the Dandelion root. Most of us think of dandelions as pesky garden weeds, but botanists actually consider them as herbs. The root of a specific type of dandelion can also help stimulate breast growth because of its phytoestrogens. Aside from this benefit, it can also provide your body with antioxidants and even help regulate blood pressure and blood sugar levels with regular intake (whether in tea or pill form).

Kelp (Whole Plant) Kelp is a kind of seaweed that grows in nutrient-rich saltwater. It’s a good source of Vitamins A, B1 and B2, C, D, and E. It’s also one of the richest sources of iodine so it can regulate your metabolism, helping you lose weight. Moreover, it can also aid one’s breast health! According to a study, seaweed positively alters estrogen and phytoestrogen metabolism — a characteristic that complements the other ingredients in the pills.

Watercress (Leaf) The leaves of a Watercress plant have a lot of health benefits. They are a great source of Vitamin K and antioxidants, which are beneficial for the body and the heart. Experts suggest that it may even prevent certain types of cancer. Just like Kelp, it also balances out your estrogen ratios which can prevent breast cancer.

L-Tyrosine L-Tyrosine is an amino acid—a building block of protein. Practically speaking, this substance is commonly used to improve memory and mental alertness. It can even help prevent mental decline that’s caused by the stress faced day to day.

Vitamin E Lastly, Breast Actives capsules contain Vitamin E that we all know is excellent for the skin. However, the “E” vitamin is also vital for other organs of the body to function properly. Since it is also an antioxidant, it slows down the process of cell damage, which is important when stimulating breast tissue growth!

As you can see, each of these ingredients by themselves have a fair bit of potential in helping not only with breast growth stimulation, but with improving your overall health as well. Now, when you combine them (as they are in the Breast Actives pills), you have a pretty reliable blend of ingredients virtually guaranteed to give you results.

Breast Actives Cream Ingredients

Even though there are a lot of ingredients in the cream that are great for the skin (such as aloe vera extract, safflower oil, and borage oil, just to name a few), there’s one active ingredient that caught my attention in particular: Pueraria Mirifica.

It’s a plant that grows in Thailand and some parts of Southeast Asia.

For hundreds of years, its roots have been used in Thailand for different rejuvenating procedures. According to a study, Pueraria Mirifica has 17 different kinds of phytoestrogens that are effective in treating symptoms associated with a lack of estrogen in menopausal women.

To support the effects of Pueraria Mirifica, there are also other phytoestrogen-rich ingredients that were added to the cream like extracts of damiana, fennel, wild yam, and fenugreek.

Is Breast Actives Safe?

Now, this is a very important question because we all want to know if the products we take won’t harm our body or give us adverse side effects. For me, I took the pills and applied the cream for about 4 months and plan to continue doing so. I never experienced any negative side effects.

Before taking the pills though, I studied all the Breast Actives reviews I could find. Some customer reviews said that they experienced a bit of stomach upset on their first two days of taking the pills, but that it disappeared on the third day. I did not want to go through that so I always made sure to eat before taking the pills. So far, I have never experienced any stomach issues or other negative side effects as a result of taking the Breast Actives pills, which is good.

As for the Breast Actives natural breast enhancement cream, I always made sure that I massaged it into my skin until it was fully absorbed. Just like the pills, I didn’t experience any adverse side effects from the Breast Actives cream either.

I have pretty sensitive skin, so I was a bit concerned about this but didn’t read of anyone else having any issues with it, so I gave it a try.

To my relief, I also didn’t see any redness or feel any irritation (as had been the case with another cream I tried before). It felt like I was putting on moisturizer.

It is advised that you check with your doctor first before you use the supplements and cream, especially if you have allergies or existing health conditions.

I would most definitely not recommend the Breast Actives products to women who are pregnant or breastfeeding… just to be on the safe side.

How Is The Breast Actives System Used?

The directions say to take the pills twice a day and so I did. To make it easier for me to remember, I take one pill after breakfast, then another one after dinner. I think having that time in between my takes and taking them with food allowed me to avoid stomach troubles, so that’s how I’d also recommend using this product.

For the cream, you just have to put it on once a day. It’s not greasy at all, but I did make sure that I applied it when it was most convenient. I applied it after taking a shower – usually just before I went to bed at night.

I dug around the internet for resources and most of them suggested to apply the cream after taking a bath or shower for better absorption. Which is exactly what I have been doing with great results.

Aside from that, I just followed the exercise routine outlined in the Breast Actives booklet. I usually did the exercises in the morning, but you can do them whenever you have time. I may have gone through days when I didn’t do the simple exercises (we all get busy and forget), but I still got results. I’d say though it’s a good idea to try and do the exercises regularly as recommended just to enhance your overall gains from the Breast Actives system.

Did it Work for Me? (My Breast Actives Review)

Overall, after about 4 months of taking the pills and applying the cream, I am happy with how my breasts are looking. They’re larger, definitely firmer, and perkier as well!

But, I need to stress something here: Please manage your expectations because the system will not bring you from a cup A to a cup C overnight. That would be unnatural. Give it time. Keep following the routine and you WILL see results.

All around I am very pleased with the results I got from using the BreastActive cream and pills so far, and I will most definitely keep using them.

In conclusion: Yes. I would definitely recommend the Breast Actives system to any woman who wants to grow and enhance their breast area. If you have sagging breasts like I did, this system will especially help you perk them up.

Just remember to keep taking the pills, keep using the cream, and keep doing the simple exercises and you too will soon brag about the Breast Actives breast enhancement products.

I should also say: to qualify for the 60 day money back guarantee and have no issues dealing with their customer service, ALWAYS order directly from the official Breast Actives website.

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