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  • Writer's pictureCHIRAG CHAUHAN

American Service Pets Review

Humans have always been known to share a special bond with animals. This has resulted in a growing number of people having pets over the years. Many pet-lovers tend to grow an emotional rapport with their pets and often end up seeing them as a part of their family. In fact, some owners become so attached to their pets that all they look forward to after a long day is spending some quality time with their animals.

However, there are times when the growing fondness of humans for their pet animals is tested time and again. Many states prohibit people from traveling with their pets. Just imagine not being able to take your pet with you when you have to travel long distances! The mere thought of leaving one’s pet behind becomes a great cause of distress for many of its owners. Since dogs or any pets for that matter aren’t entertained in multiple states, it could be quite difficult for one to overcome this obstacle. This is where American Service Pets comes to your rescue. It is an online solution that helps people to get approval to travel almost anywhere with their pets. Are you already intrigued by this solution? Then read on to know more about American Service Pets.

About American Service Pets

American Service Pets is the nation’s leading online solution that helps people to get approval to take their emotional support animals with them wherever they travel. It helps you get a hold of the best package for carrying any of your emotional support or service pet with you. This is made possible with the help of an ESA (Emotional Support Animal) Approval Letter and thus helps you complete the process legitimately. All that you have to do is to answer a few simple questions to be eligible for an ESA certificate for your pet.

American Service Pets helps to cover the following aspects for a service animal.

  • Housing – You no longer have to pay hundreds of dollars to take your pet to wherever you live or to house it. All those fees are waived off once you get the ESA certificate for your animal.

  • Travel – You may have to pay as much as $200 if you wish to travel with your pet animal on a flight. Nonetheless, once you get an ESA certificate for your pet, this travel fee will also be waived off and you can travel with your animal to wherever you please.

How To Get An ESA Certificate?

American Service Pets will help you throughout the process of getting an ESA certificate for your animal. The procedure mainly involves the following steps.

  • Step 1 – First and foremost, you will be given a form that you have to fill describing the emotional struggles that you may face if you had to stay away from your animal. This form can be easily accessed and comes free of cost. It will just take a few minutes for you to complete filling this form. Once you complete filling the form, you will be asked to pay a small fee to get a review from an ESA doctor along with the letter. This fee will be a small amount and you do not have to worry about burning a hole in your pocket with it.

  • Step 2 – After submitting the completed form, it will be reviewed by the ESA doctors. If the form convinces the doctors of the emotional struggle you are likely to go through without your pet, they will approve the form and you will be qualified to receive an ESA certificate.

  • Step 3 – The approval letter will be sent to you via email. This process just takes minutes to complete and you will be able to take the printout of the certificate right away. You will also be able to carry this copy with you to wherever you plan on traveling with your pet. An ESA training manual along with a vest for your pet will also be sent to you shortly.

The steps discussed above are all that it takes to get an ESA certificate for your pet.

Benefits of American Service Pets

The following are some of the significant features that you can enjoy by investing in American Service Pets.

  • American Service Pets is an online solution that aims at helping people to travel and house their pet animals at no additional cost. By investing in this solution, you do not have to worry about paying any extra fee while taking your pet around.

  • This service helps its customers by helping them to get an ESA certificate for their pets. For starters, this certificate is an absolute necessity for pet owners willing to travel with or house their pets. American Service Pets helps you to get this certificate in a legitimate manner that is approved by both federal and state laws. Federal law is known to prohibit discrimination of pet animals based on their size and breed and this helps a great deal in waiving off multiple fees while traveling with your animal.

  • It helps in showcasing that emotional support animal like dogs do not need to be trained in any way to perform tasks. Service animals can easily be trained by their owners to carry out multiple tasks.

  • Once American Service Pets helps you get an ESA certificate, you will be given access to all public places. This means that you will be able to take your dog to wherever you go including shopping malls, grocery stores, restaurants, hotels, buses, cabs, trains, flights, and cruises.

  • American Service Pets works with doctors from all over the country and is known to help millions of Americans travel and live with their pet animals without the worry of having to part ways with them. The main aim of approving an ESA certificate to an emotional support animal is to ensure that its owner does not have to go through any mental or emotional distress.

  • This service does a lot more than just keep your pet close to you. It ensures that your mental health is at peace and that the smile on your face is intact. All you have to do is keep calm and take your pet to anywhere you travel with the help of American Service Pets.

  • American Service Pets also helps you save hundreds of dollars by waiving off all the fees that your pet was previously subjected to. You will no longer have to pay hundreds of dollars month after month or year after year just to keep your baby with you.

American Service Pets aims at making it easy for all the pet-owners out there struggling to keep their animals by their side at all times. And by the look of it, it seems like they are succeeding in what they planned on doing.

Pros of American Service Pets

The following are the pros of using American Service Pets.

  • This service offers friendly support to pet animals as well as their owners.

  • American Service Pets claims that around 95% of people who purchased this service were successful in getting an ESA approval certificate for their pet animals.

  • It offers 24/7 customer support to assist its customers in the process of getting an ESA certificate. You can also contact the customer care of American Service Pets for any queries you may have about the service.

  • You can also avail of the special ESA comfort harness that American Service Pets provides. However, you will be required to pay an additional amount for this service.

  • American Service Pets frequently offers discounts and coupons to its potential customers so that the latter can enjoy a multitude of its features at a smaller cost.

  • It provides each of its customers with an ESA identity card to prevent any problems in the future.

Cons 0f American Service Pets

We couldn’t gather many cons for American Service Pets. Nonetheless, we managed to find a few things that may or may not be considered cons.

  • American Service Pets can only be availed online. Thus, if you plan on purchasing this solution, you must have access to the Internet.

  • To get a better idea about this service and how it helps its potential customers, it is advised that you give a quick read to the terms and conditions for this service.

Every good thing comes with a cost and the same is true for American Service Pets. Read on to find out about the pricing and refund policy for this service.

Pricing, Money Back Guarantee, And Refund Policy

American Service Pets comes in three packages and the cost of each package varies from the other. The packages available and their respective cost for this service include:

  • Basic Package

  • Standard Package

  • Deluxe Package

The basic package exempts you from paying any housing fee while keeping your pet. You will be entitled to get a certified ESA letter from a doctor for your pet animal under this package. Another benefit associated with this package is that you will be able to keep your pet in accommodations that usually don’t allow pets,

On the other hand, the Standard package mainly exempts you from paying any additional fee while traveling with your pet. This is made possible with the help of an approved ESA letter. Your pet will then get to travel with you even in flights in the airplane cabin for free.

Lastly, the Deluxe package offers you the best of both worlds. Hence, you will be able to avoid paying any housing or travel fee for your pet.

There is also a 30-day money-back guarantee for this service. Hence, in case you have already purchased American Service Pets and then feel that you do not want it anymore, you have up to 30 days to claim a 100% refund for your purchase.

In the unlikely event where your pet is denied accommodation by an airline or housing management, you will be offered complete assistance by American Service Pets with all the required informational services.

You can contact customer care for this service at the following.

Phone – 888-877-0019

Email –

Conclusion – The Final Verdict

If you are a pet-lover who can’t seem to even stand the idea of staying away from your pooch for too long, you must undoubtedly give American Service Pets a shot. This service is your best bet if you have always wanted to get ESA approval for traveling with your animal. So, get going, purchase American Service Pets, and don’t let anybody stop you from keeping your pet close to you ever.

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